On Juneteenth Weekend the OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Authority, Emancipation Park Conservancy and City of Houston Parks and Recreation Department hosted the Emancipation Park Re-dedication. Shown off were the $33.6 million worth of park upgrades amid the festivities which included, music, food, vending and historic re-enactments. Mayor Sylvester Turner and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee were two of several speakers celebrating the official re-opening of the historic park. Attendees included Theola Pettaway, Sylvia Brooks, Judge Zinetta Burney, Deloyd Parker, Al Edwards, Cecelia Williams, Mary Pendleton, Tracy Hines, TSU Police Chief Mary Young, Husani Sallah, Dolores Rodgers, Maia Shelby, Ken Rodgers, and many more

I'm originally from Cincinnati. I'm a husband and father to six children. I'm an associate pastor for the Shrine of Black Madonna (Houston). I am a lecturer (adjunct professor) in the University of Houston...

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